AKTAK (Arabic Language Courses to Turkish People with Arabic Origin)

The purpose of the project is to teach Arabic reading-writing skills and teach the fundamentals of the language to help them have access to better job opportunities.

As widely known, there are Turkish citizens of Arabic origin in the Southern and Southeastern regions of Turkey. Although they speak Arabic in their homes, they cannot use their Arabic, the 5th most common language of the world, official language of 22 countries and 300 people in their work life. Our goal is to teach Arabic to these people and teach them a profession to contribute to the projects run by the government to develop the 6th region.

Our project is currently have two centers ; one in Siirt and one in Istanbul.


Syrian Arabic language teachers who live in Siirt and in the surrounding area were identified and interviews were conducted with these teachers on October 25-26 2013 and 3 teachers were selected for the project.
Mr. Ahmet AYDIN was contacted through Siirt Education- Culture and Solidarity Foundation and the governor expressed his support for the project.
Mr. Mustafa PALA, the Deputy Governor of Siirt was visited. Based on the agreement made with the local management 3 Syrian Arabic teachers will be employed in the public education center and our AKTAL lessons will be given in that center.
Siirt posters of the project were prepared and sent to Siirt.

We had the first outcomes of our project in Siirt.
AKTAK Siirt course participants received their certificates in the graduation ceremony with the participation of Mr. Ahmet Aydın, Siirt Governor on April 4, Friday.

Istanbul :

A suitable classroom for AKTAK courses was found in Fatih district of Istanbul where Syrian immigrants are mostly located and announced by Siirt Foundation.
A teacher who have been working in a course that teaches reading and writing to Egyptians in Egypt and who has a 5 years of experience in international projects was recruited for the AKTAK project in Fatih and necessary educational materials are provided.
Fatih posters of the project were prepared and sent to Fatih

Course Program
In the program which consists of 4 levels and 200 hours of tuition; Reading, Writing, Grammar, Correct Pronunciation, Fluent Reading, Spelling, Listening and Keywords of Fluent Arabic lessons are planned

1. Level (60 hours) 4 Week Hour 2.Level (60 Hours) 4 Week Hour  3.Level (40 Hours) Hour 4. Level (40 Hours) Hour
Reading 20 Reading 16 F. Arabic Texts 12 F. Arabic Texts 12
Writing 20 Fluent Reading 4 Grammar 12 Grammar 12
Correct Pronunciation 20 Writing and Spelling 16 Listening 8 Listening 16
Fluent Arabic Keywords 20 Fluent Arabic words 12 Correct Pronunciation 4
F. Arabic Text 8 Spelling 4
Correct Pronunciation 4

Siirt scheme is a pilot scheme of the project.  In the future AKTAK project is planned to be repeated in other cities such as Sanliurfa, Mardin and Antakya where there are many Turkish citizens with Arabic origin. With this project the goal is to leverage from the rich and versatile demographic characteristics of our country. Additionally, qualified Arabic teachers from Syria  who take refuge in Turkey  can contribute to themselves and the economy rather than being only consumers thanks to AKTAK project.