Level System

How many levels and how many hours of tuition does the 29 Mayıs ARÖMER course program consist of ?

Arabic language education courses in ARÖMER have four classes (A, B, C, D) and each class consists of two levels of 100 + 100 hours. During each course level, 2 course books as well as several homework and additional education materials are used.  The duration of these education programs is determined based on the intensity of the curriculum of each level and there are 800 hours of lessons in total in 9 levels.

At the end of each level which consists of 100 hours a final examination is done.

Levels in our course; A1+A2, B1+B2, C1+C2, D1+D2.

Will we have any placement test (SBS) before we start the course?

At the beginning of the course year, students have written and oral placement tests and they are assigned to different course levels based on the results of such tests.

How many hours are there in a level?

A level consists of 100 hours.  Depending on the intensity of lessons, the duration of that course level may be increased or decreased.

What are the success criteria to move to the next level?

In order to go on to the next level, our students should be successful in oral and written weekly tests and additionally their average score in the “Final Tests” of the level should be minimum 70 out of 100. The students who fail these exams should take make-up exams. Our students who fail in the make-up examination will have to repeat the relevant course level.

What are we responsible for in oral and written exams?

An Arabic Language text book called Silsiletu’l Lisan published by the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Foundation University Publishing House is used in our course. In addition to text books, our university also uses Arabic stories and texts to improve reading and comprehension skills of our universities. (the Library of Arabic Stories and Novels of 29 Mayıs ARÖMER university , with its over 400 stories and novels for students in different levels support our Arabic language prep program).